Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I try to make classrooms interesting. I hear way too often "I hate school." That statement is ridiculous. You should love school, school is a place to go and have the best times so that 20 years from now you can hit up a friend and say, "Remember that time...". I try to participate, I try to understand and learn. 7th period class is a time when I can actually do that. Express and opinion, have an argument, hear something for the first time. That's something I miss in other classes. But a discussion, a class setting and a good lesson needs more people to participate. That's where Devin (David) comes in.

Thanks Devin for making 7th not a one way discussion for me, you have interesting opinions, some of which we have agreed and others where we haven't and that makes a good friend. When the class is silent, you can say something, a trait that surprisingly few others have, especially in this class. You are insightful and funny in and out of the class. That I can respect. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Celebration

Often we celebrate on account of the things we avoid. As a species we avoid self-indulgence, it is treated as an evil, a sin. Every one has at one point completed something "amazing" on the spectrum of what we can achieve, small or large. A kid isn't taught to gloat, he's taught to respect his humility. But it is never appropriate to celebrate. I celebrate, I honor, I remember the accomplishments I have done, not those I haven't. I celebrate the individual and the whole, the community that I'm apart of. I celebrate that that I can look back upon and tell to all I know, that was me, that was what I was. And what I will remember myself as is what I am currently. I celebrate all I am, not what I'm not.