Monday, September 30, 2013


Clash. To summarize American, European and World History read through a non-fiction lense you really only need one word. Pyschological clash shines in both World Wars and through the slander and mass propaganda used in the French Revolution. We also see belief-based clash, be it the constant struggle of the Holy Land or the Crusades. But when it comes to Medieval Europe or Big Bad America today, we cannot take our eyes off of the physical clash that happens on a daily basis.

If there is any prime example of a brutal physical clash in history, it shouldn't take very long to find one.
 Columbus was a murderer, albeit an explorer as well. He is credited with the discovery of today's finest nation yet we forget who was here first: The people running your casinos. Isn't that sad? Isn't it ridiculous that a European explorer was able to  take abuse and take control of thousands of people who were living in a utopia 10,000 years prior? But what could they have done? It was an inevitable fate for the natives and the world's culture has learned from it. If a group of people become content with their technological and educational advancements for even a moment, another group can take them to the grave if they please.

Most Americans feel remorse for the natives, as if we could have lived in harmony, but that is simply not the case. The ability for Columbus to mop the floor with hundreds of cultures proved that we needed more, we were "destined" for greater. And the Europeans were greater. Would we be sharing the same thoughts over this website if the natives had fought back, if they had won? I think not.

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